Monday, August 28th. 2022
Ah you, YOU, magnificent Raven,
you lured me in, placed me under your spell
with your mighty stature and strong will.
Radiant, so radiant you are.
Admired, sensuous, sensitive,
precarious, devoting, doting, precious,
addicted to your might. Almighty in flight.
Sublime, magnetic, prying and proud.
Oh, your all encompassing allure !
I got under your wing.

Raven, for sure you are a character of many myths, I give you that.
You Corvus Corax, coax and croak your spell somewhere else.

Your spell became my curse
turned into torment and lament.
Already I am a Mourning Dove,
isn’t that enough?

I offered you a collar and a belt,
reign in my uncontrolled desire for flight.

Yet look and notice,
I embolstered my narrow shoulders with an extra pair of wings.
No Seraphim, not quite so, nonetheless plenty strong.

You look away,
infinity you desire for quarry.
Ravenous you are indeed.
Vanity Vanitas.
Do croon your ballad.
Serenade the Song of Songs.
I lament of hope and warning, Jeremiah.

Just remember my pretty red feet
made to dance for ever and ever,
after all, these are my little red shoes.
Tell that story again Hans Christian Andersen,
I will listen this time.